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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My soapbox for Hydrogen

Over the years I've been asked about alternative energy types and if homes will ever really be free of the electrical grid... well, I've always felt it was going to happen but the problem, in my mind, at least for now, is the consumer. I say that because people in general, myself included, want no-hassle products. Right now all we have to do is flick a switch and the lights come on! You buy a device, be it a computer, toaster or hairdryer, that needs power to operate, you simply find a receptacle and plug it in with no thought about the where the power comes from. It's a great system our electrical grid... in fact, I think it's the best in the world if you consider for a moment that the grid is providing a constant flow of electricity to millions of homes, office buildings, factories and businesses of every imaginable size and type. We don't ever really think about it until the power goes out... then the hysteria begins!

I've been in favor of Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology for years and I do believe, eventually, that it will be the way of the future for not only the cars/trucks we drive, but it will power our homes as well. Don't get me wrong, wind and solar have their applications, but they both need lots of space to really be effective and quite frankly they're just ugly to look at. The same politicians that wave the "clean alternative fuel" flag around, are also the same ones protesting and blocking the installation of wind and solar farms near where they live! If you've driven to Palm springs, you've seen these immense wind farms... I'd rather see the land.

Anyways, as far as homes being free of the grid, an alternative source of power that doesn't require a lot of attention by the homeowners needs to be developed. And the only ones that will invest in its development are the companies that see a positive economic return on there investment. Consumers will only buy into it if it's easy to use, cheap to buy and requires little thought  about it's daily operation. 

I'm very interested in knowing what you think about this subject, so leave a comment or email me!

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